For companies



Full commitment instead of empty promises.

We know that exceptional people exist. We either kow them or find them and only suggest candidates who have the right skills and values. After all, there should not be many conversations, but the right ones. We prefer to choose honest words rather than beautiful ones. Those are the only things that will really move you forward.



Personal and direct contact

Honest recommendations, honest feedback

Time saving due to professional preselection

Experienced scouts with large talent network


Finding talent in five steps:


We actively look for suitable talent.


We initiate the application process and conduct an initial and in-depth interview.


Once we see a good match, do we beat the candidate to the company.


Applicants:in and companies get to know each other know We accompany the conversation.


When it fits, it fits. If not, Scout4Skills gives feedback to both parties and we continue the search.



A lot going on and not enough support in-house to take care of (new) talent or the corporate culture?

Then we’re here to help. Hire the services and expertise of a Scout4Skills professional – for exactly the tasks that are currently pending and for exactly the time frame in which you need support.

Three days to look for skilled workers? Two weeks of sickness cover for all People & Culture tasks? One day for individual management coaching? No matter what and for how long: our experts are available as interim recruiters.

This is how it works: We discuss your support needs together and find a Scout4Skills professional who matches your task, i.e. has the ideal expertise for it. Our interim or long-term recruiter is fully available to you for the time booked. Billing is based on a daily flat rate.

This is where we provide support:

Recruiting - We support you,

because we specialize in engineering & IT professionals.

because we think globally and search throughout Germany as well as the entire European area and third countries.

because our professional pre-selection saves you time and money.

because hard- and soft skills are analyzed by scientifically based selection processes.

and unburden your personnel department.


Recruiting as a service

A lot going on and not enough support in-house to take care of (new) talent or the corporate culture?

Then we’re here to help. Hire the services and expertise of a Scout4Skills professional – for exactly the tasks that are currently pending and for exactly the time frame in which you need support.

Three days to look for skilled workers? Two weeks of sickness cover for all People & Culture tasks? One day for individual management coaching? No matter what and for how long: our experts are available as interim recruiters.

This is how it works: We discuss your support needs together and find a Scout4Skills professional who matches your task, i.e. has the ideal expertise for it. Our interim or long-term recruiter is fully available to you for the time booked. Billing is based on a daily flat rate.

This is where we provide support:

Acceptance by Foreign Office

Once this has been achieved, there are usually many more official procedures to be completed and the applicant’s accommodation must also be arranged. Anyone who has ever looked for an apartment in this country knows that contacts are half the battle. If these contacts do not exist, the search for an apartment becomes a time-consuming undertaking. We are sure that you know how to use your time better. Therefore we, would like to take over the complete relocation process from you. To ensure that everything is done quickly, we work closely with a law firm specializing in immigration and migration law, as well as a tax consultant.

Relocation - We support you,

whether it is a visa, work or verification of your study course. We take care of everything.

with communication with inland departments & authorities.

on arrival including shuttle service.

with your search for housing.

by clarifying health insurance- and tax matters.

with all other matters outside your professional life.

with clarifying family reunification and obtaining German citizenship.


Management development
& Integration support

There are born leaders. But not everyone is born a leader. We offer targeted coaching and consulting for people in leading positions be it to improve internal processes or in dealing with international teams. Only those who understand employees from different cultures and who integrate and promote them in a targeted manner enable them to show their full potential.

Leadership development/ integration support - We support you with

posting job advertisements in EU and third countries.

the selection of applicants.

the completion of formalities such as: Visa, work permit, apartment …

the onboarding in your company.


On the wrong page?

On our Scout4Skills ‘For applicants’ page you will find attractive job offers from the automotive, consulting, automation, electronic, engineering, environmental technology, and IT sectors. Alternatively, you can send us an unsolicited application or contact us directly.